Chicago Blue line stops after hitting man

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I was about to get on the train just after 11pm on Feb 11, 2022, when the westbound blue line approaching the Washington stop stopped suddenly with just the front nose of the train reaching the station. I didn't see any person fall in, but it was clear within minutes that's what happened. The passengers on the train were ordered off, the firefighters showed up about 10 minutes later with some equipment I think to lift the train. There was a guy yelling at the firefighters for not being fast enough and that they get paid too much. After about a half hour, the police showed up and said the station is closed and everyone had to leave. As we were filing to the stairs, they got the guy out and walked him in front of me on the stretcher, and then they said that exit was closed and we had to use the other one. Here's some video I shot over the course of a half hour or so.

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Created: Feb 11, 2022

Posted: Feb 13, 2022

Views: 1,025

Trending: 21

Tags: chicago

Length: 3:45

Frame Rate: 60 FPS

Bitrate: 2.47mb/sec

Location: Google Maps

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